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Noncontingent Escape

What is the procedure? By definition Noncontingent Escape (NCE) is a treatment option for escape-sustained problem behavior. This procedure is usually enforced within a limited time to break the link between the undesired behavior and the availability of the escape option (Cipani & Schock, 2011). This is implemented by eradicating the trigger that promotes the […]

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Venezuela Crisis

Introduction Venezuela has long been regarded as one of the riches and peaceful countries in the entire Latin America. This great stride was as a result of the vast oil reserves available in the country. However, this aspect has negatively changed due to the political, social, economic, and institutional Venezuela Crisis witnessed in modern times.

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Functional Analysis of Behavior

Functional Analysis -Stacy’s Case study INTRODUCTION/IDENTIFYING INFORMATION (5pts) Functional Analysis of Behavior. Include any important background information about the client here. Name of client: Stacy Evans Age: 5 years old living with autism Date of Examination: 01/01/2016 Reason for referral Advanced throwing of tantrums. Stacy’s problematic behavior of throwing tantrums involves crying, screaming and falling

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Dual Relationship in Psychotherapy

A dual relationship in psychotherapy is an initiated relationship other than the preconditioned relationship within the therapy setting. Dual relationships can be formed in many ways which at times is unavoidable. For instance, if the therapist is mandated to testify in court, or when a therapist and their client are business partners, their relationship is

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Human Intelligence

How intelligence is measured The traditional assessment of human intelligence was by the use of test skills, which gauged the brain’s speed and efficiency in solving problems. This strategy was assimilated in schools and is in use to date. However, this method is not accurate in determining intelligence since cognitive performance can be hindered by

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Ipad Marketing Plan

Introduction The current technological environment has seen an increased demand for technological products to the greatest degree. Advancements in technology have resulted in various organizations/companies adopting the use of technology to improve workflow, among other things. The most commonly adopted forms of technology have been computerized items. This paper is about Ipad marketing plan. Their

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